Friday 2 December 2016

Find Out Why DP William Ruto Was Left Out Of UON's Graduation List

Deputy President William Ruto on Thursday announced that he would not be graduating from the University of Nairobi (UON) as had earlier been expected.
Ruto took to Twitter to disclose that he would be left out of the 56th graduation set for Friday after failing to meeting some 'requirements'. The DP was expected to be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the event which will be graced by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

 Ruto affirmed that he had met all merit standards required for award of the degree but failed to clarify the actual reasons why he would not be among the graduates. “I urge all colleges to observe set standards and award certificates to students purely on merit. As a PhD student, I have subjected myself to that standard.

 I was due to graduate tomorrow but I can't because of requirements,” he wrote. In June, the DP revealed that he was in the final level of completing his PhD posting photos of him presenting his research work at the institution while accompanied by his supervisor.

 Ruto had stated: “Presenting my Ph.D. progress report to the director of School of Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi, Professor Paul Ndegwa and my supervisor, Professor Jenesio Kinyamario, on the impact of human activities on riparian reserves at Saiwa Swamp, Trans Nzoia County”. In the meantime, the University divulged that it would confer President Kenyatta with an honorary doctorate degree “in recognition of his selfless service to Kenyans”.


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