Saturday 3 December 2016

Here Is The Untold Story Of Education CS Fred Matiang'i

Education Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang'i has emerged as arguably the best performing public servant in the Jubilee regime.
Despite the high level of public admiration, little is known of the man who rarely gives any PR interviews. Whenever he appears in front of the camera, it is strictly for official business devoid of smiles and other unnecessary pleasantries.

Unknown to many, Matiang'i is a former civil society activist who has worked for local and international organisations. Prior to his appointment to the Cabinet in 2013, he worked for a top US University where prominent law scholar Makau Mutua currently teaches. Matiang'i was the liaison for East Africa at the Centre for International Development, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the State University of New York (SUNY).

In addition, the no-nonsense CS has worked for the USAID, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the World Bank, and Transparency International. Like many civil society operatives, Matiang'i has a political side as he has previously worked as a political consultant to the former powerful Cabinet minister Simeon Nyachae – the two are family relatives. The now Education CS managed Nyachae’s 2002 presidential campaign where he vied against Mwai Kibaki and the current President Uhuru Kenyatta.

 Matiang'i, a former Daily Nation columnist, has proved to be an exception from most civil society operatives who have been reported to have a poor record once appointed in government positions. His first posting saw him appointed to the ICT ministry where he clashed with media owners while pushing for the digital migration programme. After the resignation of former Lands CS Charity Ngilu, the man who hails from Borabu in Nyamira County was appointed as acting CS.

 At Ardhi House, Matiang’i did not hesitate to crack the whip as he dealt with the vicious land cartels in addition to resolving the infamous Kihiu Mwiri land saga in Murang’a as well as the Waitiki dispute in Likoni. Late last year, President Kenyatta’s cabinet reshuffle saw Matiang’i move to the Ministry of Education.

The Sunday Nation reported its sources had revealed that the hardworking CS was transferred to “save him from himself.” “A hard worker who often delivered on his mandate and tough assignments given by the President... Dr Matiang’i was viewed as having created too many enemies within his previous Information docket,” the Sunday Nation said of the man who is now a friend of nearly every Kenyan.



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