Saturday 5 November 2016

Raila Reveals Another Sh33B Water Project Scandal Used By Top Jubilee Officials For Personal Gain

CORD leader Raila Odinga on Friday publicly revealed that President Uhuru Kenyatta has been tapping to his private phone conversation to know what he was planning.
Addressing the press in his office at Capitol Hill Towers, Mr Odinga divulged that the President had eavesdropped to a phone call he had with one of his friends where the two talked about another 'secret water project' of the Jubilee Government- he was about to bring to light.
The former Prime Minister, who had called a press conference to whistle blow a Sh33 billion Itare Dam Water Supply Project in Mau Forest, noted that Kenyatta hacked the phone system as that was the only way he was aware of what he would be talking about. Before Mr Odinga's statement, Kenyatta was at Jubilee National Governing Council held at the Bomas of Kenya where he pre-empted that Odinga would be talking about the Itare Water Project demonising it as one of his (Odinga) stunts to bring division among locals of the affected areas.
 In his address, the former Premier stated that: "There was some circus that was going on and entertaining Kenyans. In the course of that circus, somebody tried to pre-empt what I am going to say; another dam, another crime." "They all the time listen to my phone calls and they heard me speak to somebody this morning, telling him that I am going to speak about this issue today," Odinga said.
 The Opposition leader claimed that the project meant to supply water to residents of Molo, Elburgon, Salgaa and Njoro in Nakuru County was being re-directed to “feed personal projects” belonging to top Jubilee leadership. "We are convinced that these waters are being diverted to Ruiru and Naivasha to feed personal projects of the top leadership of Jubilee government at the expense of other Kenyans," he stated Odinga alleged that the Itare dam project, would divert several rivers, including Songol, Kipsonoi, Itare Ndoinet, Sise, Itare Kiptiget, Itare Chemosit, Timbilil, Diony Soet, Yurith, Kipchorian, Chemosir and Jamju in Bomet and Kericho counties at the source in the Mau Forest for onward transmission to particular towns in Nakuru County.
He further indicated that the project is intended to supply water to Nakuru and its satellite towns — Molo, Elburgon, Salgaa and Njoro. According to the CORD Chief, if the project is implemented, eight surrounding counties which are Narok, Bomet, Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori would be turned into deserts. He added that the Jubilee Government had faked signatures of locals to claim that the public had been consulted and approved the project which would allegedly affect them diversely. "There was no public participation in eight counties of Narok, Bomet, Kericho,
 Kisii, Nyamira, Kisumu, Migori and Homa Bay whose residents will be affected by this project." He pointed out that the project ought to be carried out only in Nakuru as the residents were the only beneficiaries.


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