Saturday 5 November 2016

Here Is The Details Of A Mega Demonstration Organized By Raila's Team

A section of CORD coalition leaders has announced plans to hold a mega demonstration over the alleged Sh5 Billion scandal in the Ministry of Health.
The coalition stated that it would rally one million Kenyans to protest if former Health Cabinet Secretary James Macharia and Principal Secretary Nicholas Muraguri will not have resigned by Tuesday next week.

Making the declaration, Homa Bay Women Representative Gladys Wanga and MP Opiyo Wandayi (Ugunja) stated that they would hold the "mother of all demonstrations" on Tuesday if the two fail to quit. "They have Saturday, Sunday and Monday to clear their desks and pack their belongings.

 We will have more than one million Kenyans on the streets of Nairobi and at Afya House demanding their removal," affirmed Wandayi. The two termed the Sh5 Billion Afya House saga as "another scandal under Jubilee" asking police officers to provide them with adequate security during the Tuesday protests. "We hope that when we go to the streets, Inspector General Joseph Boinnet will be there to provide security," requested Wanga.

 Pressure has been mounting on Macharia, current Tansport CS, and the PS to step aside for investigations to be conducted into the alleged multi-billion theft which was exposed following a leaked interim audit report. The Ministry has since maintained its innocence, claiming that the report was incomplete and that the quoted figures were overstated and erroneous.

 Similar protests held on Thursday by members of the civil society ended prematurely after police forcefully dispersed the protesters, who were preparing to submit a petition to President Uhuru Kenyatta.


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