Monday 21 November 2016

Drama As Governor Approves Construction Of Mega Matatu Terminus Outside State House

A controversial decision by Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua allowing the construction of a mega matatu terminus in Nakuru’s Milimani estate has elicited protests from residents who have complained the stage will compromise the security of State House which is located a few metres away.
 The residents, under the Milimani Residents Welfare Association, also complained that the construction of the Mololine-Milimani Annex stage in the upmarket estate will have devastating effects including disruption of learning at a nearby primary school and creating chaos that will devalue the posh estate.

However, the management of Mololine Shuttle Company has come out to deny the claims made by the residents insisting that their stage will be ultra modern and customised in a way that it will meet the high-end status of the up-market estate. “This facility is very far from State House and is noise free. If anything, it is a modern facility that is targeting the Milimani residents as they are in a class of their own,” Mololine chairman Njoroge Bomasu stated in a rejoinder.

The residents' association complained that Mbugua’s administration has been contravening environmental laws in approving numerous dwellings that are devaluing the peace and serenity intended when the estate was designed.

In their letter to County Secretary Joseph Mogusu Motari, the association said the estate was planned as a private single dwelling, low-density residential estate and should not be turned into a chaotic free-for-all estate. “The association is opposed to any change of user from single dwelling to multi dwellings or commercial without our approval,” stated the association's secretary Wenceslaus Miheso.

The residents have threatened to move to court if the multi-million controversial projects are not stopped.


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