Monday 17 October 2016

Shame As 22 MCAs Are Caught Red -Handed Taking Bribe

22 Members of Mombasa County Assembly (MCAs) were arrested on Monday after being caught red-handed allegedly receiving bribes.

The group had visited a processing plant at Kikambala where they noticed pieces of cotton wool inside bottled water, raising health concerns. The members of the Assembly's health committee who were inspecting the facility are said to have confronted officers to confirm whether the drink would pose dangers to the public. According to reports, it is at this point that the 22 leaders were suspected of soliciting bribes prompting arrest by Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) detectives. "These people are very corrupt. They were found taking bribe in broad daylight," a source privy to the arrests was quoted by the Star. Commenting on the issue, Coast EACC boss Simon Cherpka stated that the issue was under investigation and a comprehensive statement would be issued later. "Let us give officers enough time to complete their investigations. Once they are done, we will issue a concrete press statement," stated Cherpka. The MCAs had earlier complained and even summoned the company's CEO to shed more light over how wool had found its way into water meant for consumption.


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