Wednesday 19 October 2016

Here Is The List Of Five People Who Are Supposed To Act As President In Kenya

Recently, Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko shocked many Kenyans when he declared himself as the acting Kenyan President. As a result, this matter has left many Kenyans ensnared in heated debates over the country’s top most position.
In the recent past, a lot of discussions have been going on concerning the recent remarks by the Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko. Different legal experts have has varied opinions concerning the issue and also the likely punishment associated with such utterances.

According to the Kenyan Constitution, the Deputy President takes over leadership in case the Head of State is not available to execute his duties. In the case of an eventuality that could render the Deputy President unable to carry out his mandate, the Constitution states the Presidency should shift to the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Though chances of having all the two unavailable to take the mantle of leading the country are less, the law further provides a list of others who can act as the President in terms of the laid down power hierarchy. A legal expert divulged that in absentia of the three, the office of the President can also be occupied by Speaker of the Senate.

Further to that, the Presidency can also be held by the Chief Justice in case all those previously mentioned are unavailable. According to the law, situations which could lead to a vacancy in the highest office in the land include; if the President dies, resigns in writing, is declared incapable of ruling or is impeached by Parliament. If the stated officers hold the office in such eventualities, a Presidential election should be held within 60 days.


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