Tuesday 8 November 2016

Raila Odinga Issues This Strong Message After Visting Ruto At Nairobi Hospital

CORD leader Raila Odinga on Monday issued a strong message after visiting Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto at the Nairobi hospital.
Ruto was injured on Sunday during a football match after he clashed with police officers who attacked him and lobbed teargas canisters, injuring him on the face. Odinga condemned the incident and indicated that the attack was an act of intimidation being employed by the government. “We condemn this incident in very strong terms for its abrogation of the freedom of assembly, speech and association as guaranteed by the Constitution. “The country must not be allowed to recede into the era of primitive use of State resources for the protection of partisan and illegal political interests,” part of Odinga's statement read. Odinga further urged members of the public to fearlessly stand against vices being propagated by the Jubilee administration. “Going by the trend, we have reason to believe things will take more ominous turn as we get closer to elections and as Jubilee comes under greater scrutiny. It must not be allowed to be the shape our politics and public life again. We have been here before and we must never go there again,” Odinga added. The Bomet Governor was airlifted to Nairobi on Monday for specialised treatment after the unfortunate incident. Speaking while on his hospital bed, Ruto said he was feeling a lot of pain but his condition was stable. “I am experiencing a lot of pain on the face but I am sure it will be managed,” Ruto stated. Narrating the ordeal, the Governor disclosed that he went to Silibwet stadium after he received reports that police officers were harassing innocent youth who were playing football and had even arrested some of them. It was during this time that he was attacked after trying to inquire why the youth had been arrested by police officers. “A handful of my supporters joined me and an argument ensued .A uniformed officer even made to hit me with a stick but he was thwarted. About 10 police officers retreated and lobbed tear gas canisters directly at me. A canister hit me below the right eye and I sustained a cut,” Ruto stated.
Below are more photos from the scene where Ruto was injured:



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