Monday 7 November 2016

Moi Gives A Word Of Advice To President Uhuru Kenyatta

Rongai MP Raymond Moi has defended President Uhuru Kenyatta from accusations of encouraging rampant corruption in the Jubilee government.
Moi stated that the war on corruption would not be won if the blame is placed on the President, advising that the focus should be on officials who are implicated in graft.
The MP further noted that the numerous scandals have had a negative impact on Kenyatta’s record and can only be solved if there is accountability by his junior officers. “President Uhuru is a clean person, he is a person of integrity and we don’t want his name to be tainted. So those corrupt individuals should carry their own cross,” he stated. “We support the President in his bid to clean up the government,” he added.
 At the same time, Moi revealed that his party KANU would not merge to join the Jubilee party but noted that they would not be fielding a presidential candidate in 2017. “I am in Kanu, but that does not mean I’m in the Opposition. We supported Uhuru since 2002 when many people rejected him, we backed him in 2013 and will do the same in 2017.
It is not a must that Kanu merges with jubilee and I don’t see any problem there,” he clarified. Raymond's younger brother and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has been to have political rivalry with Deputy President William Ruto with some pundits speculating that KANU will join the opposition ahead of the 2017 election.
Raymond spoke during the distribution of Uwezo Funds cheques to groups at Kambi ya Moto trading centre in Rongai. He was accompanied by Fund Director Stanley Michuki.


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