Monday 3 October 2016


The Orange Democratic Movement ODM Party has devised a new way to ensure that their supporters are registered and ready for the 2017 General Election.

ODM Rally

Led by Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma, the Orange Party leaders promised to give cash donations to Ward offices with the highest number of registered voters.

On Sunday, Mr Ranguma gave a whopping Sh1 Million to ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho to be handed to the best ODM office in terms of voter registration.

“We want our people to register in big numbers for elections come 2017 so that we can realise the much-hyped dream of CORD leader Raila Odinga becoming President,” Ranguma was quoted by the Standard.

Mombasa Governor indicated that the program would be rolled out in the Coastal region before the end of the year in a bid to ensure that their people are well equipped to force the Jubilee Government out of power.

Other leaders including Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, Migori’s Okoth Obado and Siaya’s Cornel Rasanga have also promised to embrace the strategy in their counties.

The leaders have also vowed to enter into more rigorous campaigns in their areas to attract more followers.

ODM Secretary General Agnes Zani noted: "We want as many people as possible to register for elections so that we can combine our strength to push the Jubilee regime out of power."


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